Overall, housing supply in recent years has grown throughout Butler County. The latest estimates would indicate there are now over 70,000 housing units in the county. Housing growth rates in Butler have been accelerated beyond the rate of population growth due to declines in the average persons per household.
High rates of home ownership have kept much of Butler's housing stock sound. However, there are a few concerns. The general age of housing is becoming problematic, particularly in communities where the typical homeowner is also aging.
Due to sluggish residential real estate markets in the northeast, parts of the city of Butler have fewer owner-occupied homes. Many formerly owner-occupied units become rental units, sometimes in absentee ownership.
One advantage that Butler, PA has in implementing a home ownership program is the number of locally owned banks. These are a tremendous asset to Butler and make the development of such a program truly possible.
Credit worthiness represents the most significant factor in home ownership, and Priority Mortgage Group will assist you in navigating the credit landscape. Even throughout the strong economy of the late 1990s, bankruptcies remained at a record high. Credit counseling and credit education are absolute prerequisites before problems develop, not after, and we will teach you everything you need to apply for a home mortgage loan in Butler, PA. Make sure to study our site before speaking to a mortgage broker, because mortgage education is key to a successful negotiation for a home loan.